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About me

Community ecologist, forest entomologist, science communicator

I grew up in northeastern Pennsylvania, surrounded by forests, farmland, and the past and present of Anthracite coal. At Dickinson College, I explored ecology and environmental science with a focus on biogeochemistry, researching nutritional needs of desert algae, nitrogen uptake by salt marsh plants, and carbon & nitrogen content of the astern hemlock (our state tree!) that were impacted by the invasive hemlock woolly adelgid. 


For my graduate school work at the University of New Hampshire, my curiosity is currently focused on the southern pine beetle system, which provides opportunities to explore community ecology, chemical ecology, predator-prey relationships, tree defenses, and more! I have conducted research in the pitch pine forests of the northeastern US & New England, from the serpentine barrens of southern Pennsylvania to the rocky summits of Acadia National Park. I am advised by Dr. Jeff Garnas; collectively, our lab studies ecology and evolution of insects and microbes in forest systems.


Alongside my research, I have also spent time learning and practicing science communication, and studying the science of teaching and learning. I love sharing what I am learning with others in a variety of ways, including casual conversation, social media, outreach events, and in the classroom.


You can find me on:


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ResearchGate -

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I am incredibly grateful for my friends, family, colleagues, peers, and all the people who have supported my work in one way or another. I'm not the kind of scientist who wants to be alone in the lab or field every day--I look for ways to  interact with others, whether that is working on a team, joining a writing group, or engaging with the public. I believe we can learn and grow so much more when we work together, and I want to thank all those who have walked beside me on this journey.

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